Wealth Management
Money Management:
When managing your investment portfolios and accounts we make sure they are run in a way that aligns with your goals and objectives and deal with the day-to-day tasks.
- Individually Managed Accounts (IMAs)
- Separately Managed Accounts (SMAs)
Estate Planning Strategies:
At Celtic Wealth Management Group we want to ensure a stress-free, seamless process. This is especially true when it comes to helping you plan for your future and your family's inheritance.
- Beneficiaries, Account Policies
- Trusts
- Roth Accounts
- Gifting, Donations
Charitable Giving Solutions:
- Identify the Right Charities, for small businesses and individuals
- Tax Deductions, Eligible Donations
Legacy Planning Strategies:
Helping to pursue your financial success is shared with your family, friends and the charitable organizations you designate.
- Non-Monetary considerations to document and communicate to loved ones.
- Transferring Assets
- Provide Guidance for a Personalized, Successful Plan
Investment Portfolio Analysis:
Our team is vested to minimize your risk. To get you to your full financial potential, we will create a diversified investment portfolio.
- Market Valuation
- Risk and Return
- Technical Analysis